... : Your responsibilities As an ML Engineer at Aptiv, your primary responsibility ...
27 dni temu
Opis: What we offer Private health care (Signal Iduna) and Life insurance for you and your beloved ones Well-Being Program that includes regular webinars, workshops, and networking events Employee Pension Plan paid by the employer (you get + 3,5% on each ...
14 dni temu
Opis: What we offer Private health care (Signal Iduna) and Life insurance for you and your beloved ones Well-Being Program that includes regular webinars, workshops, and networking events Hybrid work (min. 47 days/yr of remote work, flexible working hours ...
28 dni temu
Opis: To oferujemy Posiadamy konkurencyjne benefity do których należą prywatna opieka zdrowotna, fundusz rodzinny, ubezpieczenie na życie, Pracowniczy Program Emerytalny (+3,5% do każdego wynagrodzenia brutto), zajęcia sportowe, karta Multisport i wiele ...
jeden dzień temu
Opis: What we offer Private health care (Signal Iduna) and Life insurance for you and your beloved ones Well-Being Program that includes regular webinars, workshops, and networking events Flexible working hours Employee Pension Plan paid by the employer ( ...
16 dni temu
Opis: What we offer Private health care (Signal Iduna) and Life insurance for you and your beloved ones Well-Being Program that includes regular webinars, workshops, and networking events Hybrid work (min. 47 days/yr of remote work, flexible working hours ...
16 dni temu