... or personal projects) and Java Familiarity with frameworks such as ... for a motivated Backend (Node + Java) Developer to build scalable backend ... a routing system written in Java Develop innovative features such as ... .js, Serverless (AWS Lambda), Java Aplikuj teraz
17 godzin temu
Opis: Nasz klient to wiodący partner Amazon Web Services, stworzony przez ekspertów ds. chmury z wieloletnim doświadczeniem. Firma skutecznie wdraża projekty dla klientów w całej Europie, w branżach takich jak telekomunikacja, bankowość, medycyna i ...
17 godzin temu
Opis: Our client is a leading Amazon Web Services partner, created by cloud experts with years of experience. The company successfully implements projects for customers across Europe, in industries such as telecommunications, banking, medicine and ...
17 godzin temu